That Guy Ian

He has a simple name, but Ian is that one man who knows how to make a lady feel like a queen. He knows just the right words to say, and he means them. He goes out of his way to make his lady feel special. It is in the way he will pick up his phone and make a call. He does not feel the pinch of spending his airtime on you. He wants to hear your voice. He wants to make sure you really are fine. Your texts will not just do. You will talk for many minutes about anything and everything. He will make you laugh, he will make you smile. When you hang up you will be left smiling at something he said. If you were in a bad mood, he knew the right words to say to lift your spirit. He is that dose of happiness the good Lord brought to make your days brighter.

Ian is hardworking. And the good thing is that he helps others where he can. You will be out for lunch, and a jovial young man will come to your table, and greet the two of you. After a brief talk, the man will leave saying, "Thanks bro, if it weren't for you man..." He leaves the sentence hanging, but Ian knows precisely what he means and he tells him, "Say no more, my friend, God has us under His wing." After a vigorous, manly handshake and hug the man departs. You are very eager to know what that was all about. Of course you heard their conversation, you just want to know the details. Ian being the man that he is will not delve much into it. Not that he is brushing it off, but his modesty will not allow it. You are impressed with this, because most people who are in such a position either downplay it or get into a long narrative of how that individual would have died were it not for them. You smile to yourself and wonder what prayers you made to God for Him to bless you with such a good man.

He loves God. This is the one trait that endears you to him. He is not religious; there is a difference. A religious man forces the beliefs of his denomination down your throat. A man who loves God tells you how good it feels to be God's child. He will tell you about the saving grace of Jesus. He will make you love this God that he worships. As your relationship grows, so does your faith in God. You go to church together. You are not surprised that he serves in a ministry. You wonder where he gets the time. You ask him. He says that this way of serving people is his way of praising God and giving back to society. He may not help out as many as he would like, but in this small way he is making a difference. It is no wonder you find yourself in the choir. He heard you hum once when you were washing dishes, and he complimented you on your voice, and suggested that you give being in the choir a chance. Besides, you were looking for a ministry to serve in. This could be it.  You give it a try, and you like it. This man Ian is good for you. He inspires you to be better. You are a power couple. God is so good to you two.

This man is thoughtful. His ideas for dates are so incredible, sometimes you wonder if there is a secret Dating 101 book that  he is reading, because each date is unique and well planned out. Even the most simple of outings is an adventure when you are with him. He also goes out of his way to do things for you. He will pass by your office with a white rose in hand and ask to take you out for lunch. "Don't carry your purse..." You remind him that the last time you were out, you said that you would take care of the expenses of the next date; and he had agreed. He laughs and tells you, "There is no way I'm letting you pay, Gorgeous. I got this. I got you." Your mind floats to the day you were dating Mr. Wrong and he paid for what he had eaten and left you to pay for your meal. Those were the kind of men you were used to. Those ones who had not an ounce of chivalry in their bone. Your arm locks in his and off you go for lunch at your favourite restaurant in town. You don't need to be this spoiled, you tell him. He kisses you on the cheek and tells you that you are worth spoiling and more. Tears of joy fill your eyes every time you think of Ian. He is not just a bag of promises. He actually does what he says what he will do. Better yet, he does not tell you how he will spoil you, and he surprises you every time.

Ian's intentions are clear. He is not playing around. He has told you that he has been hurt before, but you can see is not letting that interfere with how he treats you. He has reached the age of settling down, and he was very serious about it when he told you before you started dating. You love that about him, because you also have dated your fair share of awful men, and Ian is just that breath of fresh air you needed. He does not promise heaven and then give you hell. You have your fair share of arguments, but you always reconcile. You know what it is you have with Ian is real. He wants to have a family. You can see how his nieces and nephews love him. He'll be good with children. He'll make a great father; and most of all a wonderful husband!

You love how he has his own vocabulary. Unique only to him. He can be really classy when he wants to; and really shady when he wants to. Only you can tell the difference. Everyone else sees the cool and calm Ian. This is a good thing, because the different sides to him are what make him Ian...your Ian. You throw shade together. This is a favourite past time of yours. You see a girl hobbling about in heels as you walk down the street hand in hand and this is something you joke about till you find something else even more amusing. You enjoy these walks, because he gets to talk about himself; it's about Ian for a change. You will never tell him that that is the reason you agree to these evening walks, and actually look forward to them.  

He smells good. Sure, it may be designer cologne, but he still smells so good! Whenever you hug him, you always linger a few seconds longer so that you can get more of that scent. This is not the only reason why you fell for him. Okay, maybe it contributed to it. Lol.  He has a way to make you feel loved. In loving him, he healed scars you did not think you had. And you are that star that sparkles in his life. Without you knowing it, you have become the ying to his yang. To him, it was like you were created specifically for him. You complete and compliment each other in a way that is inexplicable. He is happy with you; and you with him. Everything is right with the world.


  1. Lol! Go ahead Pearl, set the bar that high

  2. wow that one story u wanna red again and again,soo catchy and mind blowing ,very romantic,one word ,sweet..... part two please...

    my highliht "there is no way am letting you pay,gorgeous....."

    1. Thanks for reading :) haha...part two, let's see how that goes


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