Girl in the USA...continued

It's almost Fathers' Day. This is a day that is not celebrated too much. Well, not as much as Mothers' Day, anyway. In Dallas, you cannot get a table for dinner on the latter mentioned occasion if you had not booked in advance. And if you have the patience, you can wait for a table, but who is in a hurry on this beautiful day? But I digress.

The adverts on tv in the US have taken it upon themselves to remind us of this Day upon which fathers should be celebrated. Google tells me it is celebrated on June 21st but what do I know? Now before I go any further, for those who have complained before of the many adverts on BET, myself included lol... You have not seen cable tv in the US (oh my goooneessss!!!) * I'm trying to pick up the American  accent, priss bear with me...
You'll watch a movie for ten minutes and watch full, fuuuulll ads for another ten or fifteen! Kwanza that Hallmark Channel on the weekends is just another one...smh!

Anyway, American channels are not the thing I'm blogging about today. It's actually the thing I posted a couple of days ago. I will let you in on a little secret...I was praying about God sending me a sign of whether or not to open Pandora's box. I asked for a clear sign that read:

Write to Dad

Or send a letter to Dad

Perhaps this was a very big thing to ask, but Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene in the flesh, so a little thing like this would be at the snap of a finger. I mean, we serve a very big God. this should be easy peasy.

Now, as I was beginning this post, I was going to say how I did not see the sign to contact my father, then I remembered thee is an ad I have been seeing a lot of a little girl who is singing and today of all days I actually got interested in what thel lyrics are, and I heard:

"I'm gonna mail myself to you..."

Don't ask what the ad is about. I'll have to see it tomorrow to tell you, but now I think this is the sign I had asked for.

I think God just speaks in a language we will understand and He does not take instructions or directions. He wants us to think for ourselves. I wanted a placard or a neon sign saying: "Call your Dad!!!" In order for me to actually drop him a line.

I might decide to be stubborn and keep on praying and bothering God with my prayers, or I could just write my dad a letter and see if he'll reply.

This post began as one thing and ended as shall be writing to keep you updated as to whether I'm still pestering the man upstairs...


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