Your Opinion of Me will not Become my Reality

Yesterday, a friend of mine who I had known from past experience not to  acknowledge my presence, said hi to me. I was rather shocked to say the least because most of the time it was me who said hi first. So this fellow human being did not even ask how I was considering this was the first time since the year began that we were talking. Instead she went ahead to tell me how I've "gained" weight.

We all have friends like that. Those with motor mouths who never know how to gauge their words. Or who actually say those harsh words in front of people so that you may either feel embarrassed or hurt. I won't judge why this friend chose to say that in front of my other friends. But it was rather unkind.
My response to her was, " Yes, I have gained 5kilos. And I can lose it again." This person then went on about how losing weight is hard....

Truth is I have been plus size my whole life. These curves are going nowhere it is in my genetic build up. Even where I will lose weight I can never be a size zero and it took almost my whole life to make me realise that.

So at first I actually did not think much about it because I was with other people so I sort of forgot, but my subconscious mind later brought it back and the first instinct was to actually feel hurt. This young person does not know the struggle of keeping weight off  and probably has no idea what that is. Then after a while it all changed because I remembered I had previously lost 30 kilos. I remembered how much lighter I felt. If you know about the law of attraction, you know how the process of giving love is important because you attract more. So I chose to be happy. That yes, I had gained 5 kilos but I was thanking the universe, God, that I am 5 kilos lighter so that I can attract ways to lose weight to me.

Being happy is a choice. I choose happiness. Someone may have been brought my way to disarm me but I know my vision and I will not give the time of day to that person who wants to steal my dream away from me.

As for my friend, I won't confront them and say how offended I was. That is passed. Besides, I was not told anything new. I knew I had gained weight and I was/ still am at work to lose it. Not because it was pointed out, not that I will be happier 'cause I am happy now but because I know I can and I should for my health.
To you who is reading this, be the one to add happiness not take it away from an individual. And you who meets someone who wants to make you feel bad for yourself, choose happiness always. You will feel much better.


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