My Goofy, Geek-in-Denial, Narcissistic yet Sensitive Friend

True Friends

There is this guy in my class, I was introduced to by a friend. I had been seeing him around. The story was that he had changed from the Day Class to the Night Class- that's what he calls it. I call it Evening Class, because that is when it starts, in the evening. Anyway, technicalities and trivialities (But do I say) do not matter at this point. So I was being introduced to him by a female friend at night. I know, it sounds fishy, but that is when our class ends. Oh well, so he reaches out his hand for a handshake and says that he is "Person X". I tell him he can call me" Pearl". (Need I add that I had said it to the tweng? Ni kama ndrama I tell you!) Then, this mutual 'comrade' of ours goes, "Ati Pearl??!! She is called Njeri..." May I add that he said that name in the typical Kikuyu accent. My jaw could have fallen to the ground." Was he for real?" Yaani, the guy was not even in the picture and he gives his two cents.Anyway, I handled the situation, in my opinion, quite well. I concurred with him." Yeah, sure, call me Njeri." There wasn't much time to talk, and at that point, it felt as though three was a crowd, and since these two( my   female friend and Person X) used to walk home catch my drift. Everyone at some point had thought they were a couple because of this particular charade. My sources are still looking into the truth of my previous statement, so let me not be quoted, or be branded a rumour monger.
Time went by, we kept meeting in the 'corridors' of the University of Nairobi, Parklands Canpus each time saying hi to each other. There was one Saturday I was walking to the stage to get a jav, then he happened to see me so we walked towards that point, so I happened to mention that he always has a 'bevy' of ladies around him. He laughed, apparently he had no clue or was just acting oblivious to everything in his environment. His pals were waiting for him so we did not talk for too long.
He approached me one time after class and we got to talking and I still teased him about his bevy of ladies. This happened a couple of nights, not so sure if they were in a row, but one thing that always happened was that my ride came early, cutting short the convo. So, I literally left him hangin'.
One night, again, what is with the nights, he realised he does not have my number. He did get it. we would talk once in a while covering general stuff, him wanting to get to know me, then it went personal....
Some Qualities
A gentleman, he is, he loves to laugh, which is a good thing, no one wants to grow old, right? He can cook, marrdd props!! Apparently, he is even growing fat. Hope he does not like chaps, his wife will be stressed!! I am yet to taste his cooking, so I am just working with hearsay. He would rather call than text. Girls, if you get him, keep him. Do not let him out of your sight, not even for a bathroom break!! He reads a lot, I can tell, because he is the kind of guy who asks questions in class, contributes, hell, he can even volunteer to do something for extra credit- okay maybe not.
Long-Term Vision Kind of Guy
He is an ambitious guy. He switched from the Day Class to the Night Class so that he can get a job to give him extra cash. That may be normal, right? Well, his parents have no clue! Talk of taking risks..I like that, because it means that this guy will never be in want of anything-sounds like a quote from the Bible; because  he is determined to do whatever it takes to accomplish his dreams. He wants to be his own boss. He is probably just doing Law so that he can know when he is breaking the Law.
He is still getting to understand himself and blend that understanding with that of his female counterparts. He has 'companions.' You may be roaring now with laughter trying to understand what this means. My advice, understand it the way you will. He is a caring dude, sensitive, and from how much I know him, I can tell that when he opens up, he does that totally, maybe more than most people, and that could be what contributes to heart breaks.
Chairman of the blond society. It is no wonder, then, that his 'companions' fit the same bill...But not to worry, that is why I am here, to kick the blondness out of him!! 
Every guy has set for himself the kind of 'queen' he wants in his life. I am yet to hear them, but one is spontaneity, he gets bored very easily. Ladies, you need to have the ability to hold an intelligent conversation with a brother-always wanted to use that word "brother." I do not discount the 'list' but sometimes when the bar is raised too high, it results in disappointments.
Opinion on self
He thinks he is narcissistic. I disagree, he is very kind and selfless, so maybe he tries to be, but it backfires...He gonn' kill me for that, wooi!! Nonetheless, he does not live to please everyone, which is a good thing, because you cannot please everyone anyway.

In conclusion, I am still getting to know this my friend, polepole, so I still cannot write a book about him, yet! Watch this space, and you just might be blown away...


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