My Awesomely Crazy Pal

When I first saw this gentleman, rather quiet, what I noticed about him was his smile. He mentioned the other day how the first time when we met I told him not to freak out, but to just relax. Funny, I don't listen to my own advice. Anyway, I got to talk to him as each day passed and I realised he is such a cool guy. I had thought that he would be quiet and not even want to talk to me but he actually did and everytime he did, I noticed I was happier and always smiling. I have this thing where I always say "awesome" and I think I have made him say it a lot too, 'cause he says it now, and I loooove hearing it :)
I may mention some stuff here that will just be interesting and not in  a "haha" way but still mean something. I'm waiting for my free "Pimp my blog" lessons 'cause as u can see...ahem! He is a bundle of wisdom and still     knows how to have fun...very few people can do that, you know. He fits the bill for "tall, dark and handsome" cliche, I know, but oh well, moving on..
This gentleman can be in the CSI if Kenya had that department,he is even better than I am, he makes me look DiNozzo when he's clowning around (which is always) and he's Jethro. That's all I'm saying.
He does not eat, and when he does he eats meat. (Pause for effect) Not bad, but, roughage and the other foods should be included too.
He understands sarcasm just like I do, and that is a plus 'cause not so many people are able to do that..
Sample this:


  1. How true is this? OMG.. Round of applause and I bet the world is starting to know this pal of yours hahaha

  2. it is 100% true, the world had better recognise!! He is awesome!!


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