How to plead but not grovel

First of all, this is my first time to write a blog, so it is gonna be amateurish. I am doing this for my very super awesome workmate, Cyril Njagi.

1.Don't be too easily swayed
 First up, you need to be very determined, I  know you give up very easily and allow others to win, so you need to stand tour ground. When you become shaky, people will notice and will use this against you.

2.Have puppy dog eyes
Believe it or not, these eyes when used in the right way can do wonders even the most heartless will agree to whatever you want.

3.Speak softly and sweetly
If you are talking to a lady and all she hears is this sweet, soft yet deep voice talking, she will be falling over herself to make sure you get what you want.

4.Use other kind words
Please works, but you need to say it in another way. You can pull it like pleeeaaaase, or even sugar coat it with a sugar lump on top. You do not have to whimper, because then again you want to maintain your street credibility.

This will only work when practised, videos on how to do so coming soon...


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