Dating in Njaanuary

A friend suggested I write this post, and since I am not one to pass off a challenge, here goes nothing!

There are some people who don't know what Njaanuary is. Not that they do not know what it means, they just have not experienced it. Some of these people are the business people, others are the very disciplined employees. Congratulations guys! Some of us are those who went all out during the holiday and we are asking for a salary advance then our boss gives us the tale of the guy who had a goose that laid golden eggs, and in his wisdom decided to sell it. If you are the one asking for a salary advance, this story does not really inspire you to continue asking, in fact you just walk back to your office cubicle and think about a side hustle  sulk.

So this month is not really forgiving to those who are in relationships. It does not matter if you have been dating three months or three years. But there are a few ways to 'wing' it. Here's how:

1. Less is more

Have you ever wanted to make out in a coffee shop, but felt really shy about it? I have a solution for you. Go to Java, or whichever coffee shop you prefer, order a mocha, latte, or a chai. Make sure it is just one. The coffee comes with a cookie or two. So, I'm sure you are wondering where I am going with this. Well, you must be a very good story teller, so that you and your beau are talking and laughing so much that when you take a sip and she takes a sip, no one even notices. And ta-daaaa!! You are making out in a coffee shop. Just be sure your Significant Other isn't coughing or stuff, it won't be that romantic afterwards. If your girl is understanding, she'll come out of that date thoroughly entertained and thinking how romantic you are, but if she isn't she'll judge you for your poor life choices and kick herself for choosing such a broke lad. If you took her for a holiday wherever, on the the other hand, she will understand. That's a win for you.

2. Meetups

If you did not know about Meetups, this is one way to survive Njaanuary especially if you want to look cool  network. Just be sure to pick a Meetup which you and your girl shall enjoy. Why?  There is free food!!! It is a gig after work. The both of you get an early dinner. Alcohol is sold at reasonable prices, so you can have a drink each with 500 bob. Every Thursday or every other time there is a Meetup in your area, be sure to attend. Oh, I forgot it costs Kshs. 500 per person to enter. I am not sure it is pocket friendly for January, but I think as a guy you will earn points for taking your girl to different places. The whole coffee dates, lunch kwa kibanda thing gets tired quickly. And now you're taking her out on a Thursday? Maybe you normally plan dates on a certain day and Thursday is one of those days you ignore. How's that for a spontaneity?

3. Nature Walks

Are you a fan of long walks? Boy, do I have a plan for you! There are so many parks in Nairobi and its environs, so an evening walk with your girl, eating ice cream (if you are in Uhuru Park) or not, enjoying the evening breeze is ideal. You get to talk about your day, vent your frustrations, and declare undying love, the works! Isn't it perfect? I mean, you could easily walk for an hour, and the exercise your girlfriend had resolved to do is done without much effort. How's that for being a supportive and innovative boyfriend? You're so welcome!

4. Declare it a month of Fasting and Prayer

if all else fails, use this. It may not go down well with your significant other, especially if you have just been dating a week or two, but it could work in your favour. Just tell her that you are vowed to build your relationship with God, and you will begin by fating and praying. (You had better mean it. Do not play with God. He can sen lightning to strike you when the sun is still shining, Okay, I'm joking. But still, do not play games with God.) Anyway, all ehtics and morals aside, this will help you evade all the coffee dates and dinner dates that  you had promised to take your girl on- just until you are back on your feet. You do not want to send your chic that text saying you cannot do something due to unaffordable circumstances. Yeah, it's pretty embarrassing. If you are really honest with this though, God will come through for you in such a way that you will afford the restaurant week and still have cash for you and your girl to have lunch or dinner on Valentine's day.

5. Be honest

Mwambie tu ukweli. Just tell her in the sweetest voice you can master, "Sweetie, I may have spent too much of my money during the holidays, so we will not be going out as much as you would have wanted this month." If you are dating an Instagram hunnie, that one who cares more for likes than anything, then that will be a blow because exactly what will you expect her to be posting? Chapati madondo pics? Hell to the freaking no! That may be the beginning of the end of your relationship, and well, at least you can rest easy because you won't have to deal with, "Babe, what are you getting me for Valentine's?" I have really bashed the chics. That never happens. But we know those types. We are not supposed to call them out, so we just sit quietly and sip our tea. Heck! Maybe I'm even one of them, so it is a case of the pot calling the kettle black

These are the few survival tactics I could come up with. If you are a dude and you read this, please give me more. I could definitely update this and see what else you dudes do to survive this long month. 

Till next time. Oh, and happy new year! Najua ni muda hatujapatana. 

God bless you loves!


  1. awesome blog post, good surviving tips in Njanuary, totally love it

  2. nice! not dating but I understand

  3. You’ve written nice post, I am gonna bookmark this page, thanks for info. I actually appreciate your own position and I will be sure to come back cubicles


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