Gangstars Vs Gentlemen


The other day I was talking to a certain someone who  is now becoming very prominent in my life, and he mentioned that he thought,  "Women like men with 'cute' scars and bullet wounds." He went on to say that "It gives men an allure of more character." Need I say that this guy said that he is a gangstar? He justified the statement by saying he is the worst kind. "The kind that know their rights and are entrepreneurial. "  

I actually scoffed when he said that, because my definition of a gangstar did not include any business, unless it included thuggin'. Last I heard about that, if you ain't a pimp you ain't makin' nothin'. 

This post was to be published months ago, but I was still doing my research. Now that I have the results and deductions, I can say that my friend is really a gangstar. In fact, Maya Angelou was right when she said.


So, this guy showed me firsthand who a gangstar is. 

1. He seems like a gentleman at first 

He will be that breath of fresh air you hadn't taken in in a while. He will want to know you. What makes you tick. Your likes and dislikes. At this point, the difference between a gangstar and a gentleman is very slim. Actually, you won't know the difference between the two. They will both be your knight in shining armour. Your Prince Charming, ready to fight to the death for your love. 

2. You will be all he thinks about 

How will you know? The guy will be blowing up your phone with texts, calls, anything just to show you how serious he is about you. Airtime is not an issue, because he has seen a beauty he would love to spend money on. Besides, airtime is not much of an item to speak of. Just wait for the shopping sprees. 

3. The Gentleman, even though he is busy will let you know the best times to contact him, and he sure does know how to make up for lost time 
This is where the differences begin. The gangstar, because he is G n all, will let you know that he is busy, but you find out the hard way. When he has locked you out of his life for like a week or two. He does this unintentionally. Why? He is hustling for you babie! So, because you are the kind, understanding lady he fell in love with, ( yes, thugs fall in love) you accept and be the one to initiate conversation and plan dates et al. 

It isn't until you meet up with your girl friend who knocks some sense into the thick skull you have began to grow. 

> You are beautiful, and most of all young. What the hell are you doing with this man who does not give two f***s about you. Really, you haven't spoken in two weeks? What do you mean he is yet to reply to your text?

>Girl, your man is cheating on you. You deserve better.  Have you talked to his boyz? But they cover for each other, so there is no getting help there. 

>Have you talked to Mark? Remember that tall dude you met at the play...You said he looked like a pretty good catch. He sounded like a man who would take good care of you... 

So that was coffee with your best friend in the whole world, talking all these things, making you wonder where it was you went wrong. The moment you reach home, you get your phone and text this MF. (You call him that now because you are really pissed off. Plus, you miss him terribly, and the silence is helping no one.) 

This time he does reply, he has just come from Mombasa. He apologises saying how he missed you. And you taunt him saying you know he replaced you with some chic (read whore) from the coast. And he melts your heart with a comment like, "Babe, no chic is prettier than you. You got my heart." You have his heart alright, but if you had a knife you would stab the life right out of it. It is not your fault that he makes you feel like you want to commit a felony. 

4. A gangstar has a way with words no gentleman has 

I might get buried for this, but the sweet talkers are the gangstars. He will make you want to have his kids yet your Doctor said you were barren. He will make you want to fly, only for you to spread your wings and realise the wind beating your face is the one pulling you down to your death. 
Yes, he is that good. That's how he is able to keep you from knowing about his baby mama. guessed right. She exists. Unless you want to join that club you better exit. 

5. A gentleman does not promise the moon and the seas; flora and fauna 

But guess what, a G will. I don't mean that he will bring you diamonds and pearls..roses and calla lilies...No! 
He says he will be there for you. He says he loves you. He says that no matter what, you will always be his number one.  

You know what sweety, he ain't God, so there is no way in hell he will be around exactly when you need him.  

A gentleman is more of a realist. He will tell you how to reach him when you need him. He won't give you false hope or a false sense of security. The thing is, with a gentleman, he has told you all these things just so he doesn't disappoint you. Then out of nowhere, you find this man has gone out of his way, even done what you didn't expect, only for you to be happy. 

6. A gangstar will always make you cry 

And the sad thing is, he will not even know it. He may call you, and hear something wrong with your voice, but when you brush it aside, he is G enough not to push your chagrin of course. 
Not that a gentleman won't make you cry, he will. Only thing is that he will probe you till you say it. And he knows you that well, anyway. 

Well, ladies, it is up to you to choose the kind of man you want to date; or even marry. For me, I realised a gangstar is not my type. He looks good from afar, but surely there are only so many tears that I can cry. Dating a gangstar is an adventure. It really is like a walk through the Amazon. So put on your comfortable shoes, carry your camping bag and get ready for the terrain because that is what awaits you. (Okay, maybe that's a tad too much hyperbole. But you catch my drift, right?) 


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